Havahart Deer Off DF32RTU Deer Rabbit and Squirrel Repellent 32 Ounce Ready-to-Use Spray Review

Havahart Deer Off DF32RTU Deer Rabbit and Squirrel Repellent 32 Ounce Ready-to-Use Spray
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I purchased Deer Off when I was at the end of my rope. I've always had a small problem with squirrels in my roses, but they only ate the ones that were easy to get to and I was content to let them have them, since there were so many others. Then an adolescent squirrel fell in love with them and braved the thorns to eat EVERY ROSE on my bushes. He'd wait until new roses budded and snatch them before they bloomed, no matter how high they were. He'd pull stalks over to get them and was wrecking my bushes. As an animal lover, I knew that I had to find an alternative I could live with.

Deer Off is amazing. I sprayed it ONCE (about 6 weeks ago) and the squirrels now give my plants wide berth. The smell must be offensive to them, but the scent is mild to my human nose and faded to nothing about a minute after spraying. I HIGHLY recommend it. I didn't expect it to work this well!

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Product Description:
Repels deer, rabbits, tree squirrels and other pests. EPA registered for plants,bulbs, flowers, trees and food crops. Made from natural and food-based ingredients. Deer-Off will not harm people, pets, or the environment. Leaves no visiblefilm orresidue on plants. Weather resistant, lasts 2-3 months.

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